Tag Archives: audiobooks

2018 Review: Paul Gitsham

Paul Gitsham is today’s end of year reviewer. It’s always nice to see Paul and it’s fab to have him on the blog today.

Thanks, Paul, for your review of 2018. Here’s to a top 2019!

Vic x

Cropped headshot.pngDo you have a favourite memory professionally from 2018?
2018 saw the release of the next two books in the DCI Warren Jones series. The first, a novella called A Case Gone Cold, released in May, was partly inspired by the real-life burglary of my parents’ home some years ago. It was pleasing that something positive could come out of a pretty unpleasant experience. 

The fourth full-length novel in the series, The Common Enemy, was released in September. Despite tackling difficult and challenging subject matter (Far-right extremism and the rising Islamophobia our country is experiencing), reviews have been positive.

Excitingly, the first 4 full-length novels in the series are now available as audiobooks, narrated by the wonderful Malk Williams.

A Case Gone Cold_FINALV2.jpg

And how about a favourite moment from 2018 generally?
I can’t fail to mention my wonderful girlfriend, Cheryl, agreeing to marry me! Have a look at the acknowledgements in The Common Enemy if you want to see how I popped the question…

The Common Enemy_FINAL.jpg

Favourite book in 2018?
So many to choose from! Steve Cavanagh’s Thirteen cements his reputation as one of the best writers around today. Eddie Flynn is a wonderfully complex and likeable character, that gets better with every book. And how could I resist the tagline: The serial killer isn’t on trial. He’s on the jury? 

Favourite film in 2018?
Marvel Studios continue to delight and excite in equal measure, but a film that I really enjoyed was Bohemian Rhapsody. It had its flaws and some question its accuracy in parts, but the recreation of Live Aid was spine-tingling!

Favourite song of the year?
I tend to listen to Radio 4, rather than music when I’m driving, but Cheryl and I both love the 80s. The recent acoustic version of A-Ha’s Take on Me (as featured in Deadpool 2, bizarrely) is a real pleasure.

Any downsides for you in 2018?
We moved to a new house at the end of last year and it would seem that the former owners of our house had a real talent for covering up their DIY disasters…

Are you making resolutions for 2019?
I don’t really make resolutions, but a better work/life balance is a definite aim.

What are you hoping for from 2019?
The next two books in the DCI Warren Jones series will be released, starting with the next novella, A Deadly Lesson, in January and the next full-length in the summer.

I hope to get more writing time, in part to pursue some stand-alone projects alongside new DCI Warren Jones adventures.

We’d also like a lottery win sufficient for us to move into a 5-star hotel for a few weeks whilst somebody comes and sorts out our house!

A Deadly Lesson - small

Review of 2015: Howard Linskey

The lovely Howard Linskey is gracing us with his presence on the blog today. Howard, originally from County Durham, is a brilliant crime writer and all-round good egg. 

Thanks for taking the time to review your 2015, Howard!

Vic x

Howard Linskey

Do you have a favourite memory professionally?
The launch of ‘No Name Lane’, which is my fourth crime fiction book but my first with Penguin Random House was very special. Like all of my books it is set in the north east so we launched it in my favourite pub, ‘The Strawberry’, in Newcastle. It was a fantastic night full of friends, readers and readers-who-are-now-friends. Sherlock star Dave Nellist, who is the brilliant voice of my audiobooks, read from ‘No Name Lane’ on the night, which was the icing on the cake. I can’t think of a better way to launch a book.

No Name Lane

And how about a favourite moment from 2015 generally?
My last whoop moment that didn’t involve writing was Andy Murray’s amazing shot on the winning point for the Davis Cup. Considering Britain hadn’t won it in 79 years there was a fair amount of pressure on him that day and his perfectly executed lob to claim the trophy was a joy to behold.

Favourite book in 2015?
Clare Mackintosh kept me gripped with ‘I Let You Go’; a book worthy of its huge success and I recently received an advance copy of Helen Fitzgerald’s new book ‘Viral’, which is going to be one of the best crime books of 2016, if not the best. Its strapline is ‘What if the worst thing you’d ever done went Viral?’ which is a chilling thought. I won’t spoil it for you but it also has the best opening line of any book this year.

Favourite film of 2015?
I’ve always been interested in the story of the codebreakers of Bletchley Park, so I loved ‘The Imitation Game’ even if it did stretch the truth a little. Honourable mentions go to ‘The Theory of Everything’, the film about Stephen Hawking, and the simply wonderful ‘What We Do In The Shadows’; a comedy-horror film from New Zealand that Sarah Pinborough recommended.

Favourite song of the year?
I quite liked Ellie Goulding’s ‘Love Me Like you Do’, until it became indelibly associated with the ‘50 Shades of Grey’ film, so I’ll go for ‘Uptown Funk’ instead by that young chappie Bruno Mars and I can pretend to be down-with-the-kids.

Any downsides for you in 2015?
Apart from the appalling Mike Ashley still owning my beloved football club, Newcastle United, which is a nightmare I never seem to be able to wake from, it’s been a very good year.

Are you making resolutions for 2016?
I don’t normally make resolutions. I just try to progress every year; so I’ll keep on writing books and hoping people continue to enjoy them. I feel pretty lucky that I get the opportunity to do that so I guess anything else is a bonus.

What are you hoping for from 2016?
I’ve just finished work on my second book for Penguin, which is the follow up to ‘No Name Lane’. ‘Behind Dead Eyes’ will be published in March 2016. A teenage girl has gone missing, a man jailed for life claims he is innocent of murder and there’s an unrecognisable corpse with a horribly burned face, all of which gives my protagonists plenty to investigate. I just hope people enjoy reading it.